As Indonesian with Chinese descent, since I was a kid until I got older, I still face harassment and discrimination. Sometimes I got called out, using racial pejoratives, including from colleagues when I was working for a governmental institution.

When I was in Beijing, I had a friend who was gay, and was bashed by discrimination dictations from his church’ community. Their words may have won the arguments, but they lost his soul.

Recently, I followed the Indonesian current political situation of the presidential election. I found an Indonesian TV channel on YouTube, using words that fan the flames and embolden the extremist movement. Plus, some religious public figures also incited hatred. Hate speech that could lead to hate crimes. It occurred in many cases, including the riot on 21-22 May 2019 with several casualties and many more injured. This pattern is not new.


(Jìsīchéngyan, jìyánchéngxíng, jìxíngchéngxí, jìxíchéngxìng, jìxìngchéngmìng)

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character.

Words matter.
Words attack and attract,
They affect ourselves and others profoundly. 

They can bless
They can curse.
They can bring joy and forgiveness 
They can injure a relationship.
They can heal a broken heart 
They can poison a soul.
They can bring comfort
They can fan the flames.

They can empower 
They can get you into trouble.
They can demand justice 
They can mislead.
They can offer hope 
They can lie.
They can lead to freedom 
They can imprison its victims.

They can make people want to go to war
They can make people long for peace.
They can show kindness 
They can show ignorance.
They can inspire compassion and tolerance
They can bring cruelty and divisiveness.

They can do anything
to ourselves and to others.
They literally could create the reality.


(shítou kêyi huìzhi yânjing kànbujian de dòngxi)
The tongue can paint what the eye can’t see.

Words are an indicator of what’s going on in a person’s heart and thoughts.

Stay away from people who always have negative, critical, hateful words against us and others. What’s in their heart attached to their tongues and is trying to contaminate our heart.

Be careful about the words we use,
to ourselves and to others.
Because the words are the beginning of what’s next.
What we say out loud, eventually will come back into us.

Our words and our prayers can make a difference in our life and somebody else’s day.
Let HOPE, LOVE, PEACE, MERCY, KINDNESS be our favorite words.


“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭MSG‬‬

“Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:1 ESV‬‬

2 Year 1 Month Post Biopsy
Midline Pontine Glioblastoma/DIPG Grade IV

On Monday, I received the news that the MRI showed that the tumor is stable. So I’ll continue the avastin chemo.

My symptoms are still the same, just the pain on my right face and head pulsing pain are bit more intense. This past 2 weeks, my gums are bleeding when I brush my teeth. I’ll discuss this with my doctor next week.

Please go to “My Medical History” for more details. 

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers 🙏

PS: Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing my posts. 
Please subscribe to get more story on your email. 🤗

Birthday gifts from Tobias 🥰😘
Let’s begin 🤛💪
Day 1. 
Not that easy 1000 pcs 👁👁
Can’t stop… it’s already midnight 🕛 👀
Day 2. 
That moment.. placing the last piece to complete this puzzle 🧩 feeling so good ☺️
Champion ✌️👏😸
Now time to undo all 🧩 pieces and put it back to the box. 😺
Yuna: Happy birthday to you…&$#% hamidaaaa %^#•
😆 English difficult, sing in Korean for her Tante 🎤😘
The next day after my birthday, was Yuna’s 3rd birthday 🍰 . So we’re singing happy birthday with the help of the rubber squeaking chicken 🐔 😆
At Salad Island. In lake Konstanz.The water is crystal clear 👍
Fish 🎣 from the lake

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