As per today, the COVID-19 pandemic already affected 213 countries, almost 21 million people, and has taken more than 750k lives.
My condolences and deepest sympathy for them.
Continue reading “YOU ARE LOVED”As per today, the COVID-19 pandemic already affected 213 countries, almost 21 million people, and has taken more than 750k lives.
My condolences and deepest sympathy for them.
Continue reading “YOU ARE LOVED”As per today, the COVID-19 pandemic already affected 213 countries, almost 20 million people, and has taken more than 730k lives.
My condolences and deepest sympathy for them.
Friends, I’m still here.
So, I’m very happy to share with you again the thoughts I had lately.🤗
Though it’s very hard for me to read,
and type on my iPhone, but with patience I can do it.
As per today, the COVID-19 pandemic already affected 213 countries, more than 11 million people, and taken more than 600.000 lives.
Continue reading “A BRAND NEW DAY”Hello friends, I’m still here. Though it’s very hard for me to read and type on my iPhone, but with patience I can do it.
So, I’m very happy to share with you again the thoughts I had lately.🤗
Friends, apparently my last post is not my last one after all 😊. I’m still here, and I promise I will write until I can’t write/ type anymore 😁.
Continue reading “5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME FOR PRAYER”This week I was in Barcelona, and spent the first evening having dinner with our friends. We ordered a bottle of wine. As usual, Tobias checked it out with his wine app. We found that it was produced in the Spanish province of Aragon, close to a place called Borja.
Continue reading “STAND FIRM”Two weeks ago I accompanied my husband, Tobias, attending the KlarText Prize for Science Communication award ceremony in Heidelberg.
Continue reading “THE SCIENCE OF PRAYER – PART 2”Have you ever had a prayer answered?
Continue reading “THE SCIENCE OF PRAYER – PART 1”