A married couple was planning to find the perfect place on earth, full of happiness. They began traveling and searching, and years passed by. Then one day on their journey, they met a wise man.

They asked him for advice and direction. The wise man told them there’s a place where heaven touched the earth, a perfect place to be, and gave them directions.

The couple followed the directions, and finally arrived at the destination. When they opened the door, it was their home.

I heard this story told by the marriage officer as me and Tobias were witnessing his brother’s marriage last weekend.


We found a very nice wishing well card for them at a museum in Cologne. It was a drawing by Paul Klee, showing only the contours of a loving couple. Tobias wrote a beautiful message on the card for the newlyweds.
“Getting married is drawing the contours. Being married means filling the contours with colour”. He used the German word “ausmalen” which means both to paint in and to imagine.

Marriage is an amazing gift from God.  
Yet often, the greatest gifts in life are not always cherished the way they should be. 

Life gets busy, or we get hurried and distracted.  
Then we start to take one another for granted.  
Maybe we disagree and let resentments hang on longer than they should.
Then we cannot trust and forgive, 
we run to judgement instead of mercy.
Gentleness turns sour.
Our heart hardened, so we’re busy searching from outside that we thought could bring us happiness and colors to our life.

The reality is people who are home to us, is the perfect place to be.


We all are travellers in this world.
There’s no sin, no pain and death, and no curse in the eternal home.
When we get there, 
we’ll always see our Heavenly Father,
and experience undiminished happiness.

However, while we’re still here. 
There’s magic and wonder to be found in our ordinary home. 

Share love and support especially for the poor and needy, so they, too, could feel the marvel and joy at home.


“So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:14-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

2 Year 1 Month Post Biopsy
Midline Pontine Glioblastoma/DIPG Grade IV

Today I received the 10th round of avastin. 

Unfortunately my doctor is not in the hospital, so we will have a conference call to review the MRI (which I had last week) result on Monday, June 24th which is my birthday.

My symptoms are still the same, tingling pain on my left arm, weakness on my right arm, sensitive pain on my right face, double vision, sometimes head pulsing pain, balance and walking issues, chronic constipation, speech a bit not clear, nasal soft voice, and fits of laughter.

After I stopped dexamethasone 2-3 weeks ago, I feel less bloated. During lowering it I felt so weak and wanted to stay in bed the whole day. But after the withdrawal symptoms flushed out, which took more or less a week, now I feel much better.

Please go to “My Medical History” for more details. 

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers 🙏

PS: Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing my posts. 
Please subscribe to get new stories on your email. 🤗

my favorite season: summer ☀️ 🐝
My no.1 favorite food : pizza 🍕
a super cute sweet little princess 😍 with 2 bodyguards
At the marriage registration office in Köln.
Congrats 🍾
Fun at Ludwig Museum Köln. 😚
The Maiers 💗 in the layers of glasses. 🧐
Me feeling wonderful in the wonderland
prom queen and king 😂 
At the wedding party.

We are family , get up everybody and sing 🎤 😄
Met best friend before going back to Karlsruhe 🥰
Beautiful angels regular conference call 🌸🌼🌺
In the chemo treatment room today.
To my left: Grandpas snoring 😴
To my right: Grandpas tap their feet to music 🎶 .
Me playing sudoku.

4 Replies to “THE PERFECT PLACE”

  1. So amazing to see you’re doing so well, Titien. Can’t wait to see you back here in Barcelona next month! Hugs and loves to you both!

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