Hi friends,
Do you remember the Rainbow Project 🌈 from August last year?
Thanks to your generosity, in just two weeks after I published the proposal, we accomplished our goal and managed to supply shoes for 157 children at a remote primary school in Central Kalimantan. Read up on it here
This year, I want to again organise a charitable project. I want to provide shoes for 210 children in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The kids benefiting from this project go to a kindergarden, a primary schools, and a junior high school.
Again, I got the information about these kids from my friend, Pastor Ernest, who I met in HongKong a long time ago and who was already my partner for the shoe donations last year. He helps me again with the execution of this year’s Rainbow Project.
Now, in total we need an estimated amount of 25.000.000 Indonesian Rupiahs for this project. That is around US$1800. Please check the photo below for details
I’m inviting you to join me in this project. I will again have everything documented with photos and will post regular updates here.
Your support makes a big difference for those children.
Let’s bring a rainbow 🌈 .
If you’re in Europe, you can transfer to:
IBAN: DE53 2004 1144 0429 5515 00
Alternatively, use tmaier@gmail.com for transfers via PayPal.

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